Category: cats

  • Margarita – the sand cat

    I think this is the most amazing name for a little cat. Felis Margarita. Of the many breeds of tiny wild cats, Felis Margarita is one of the very few that appears to be benefiting somewhat from climate change, because as parts of Africa and South East Asia become more desert-like, people move away and…

  • K is for Kodkod – the smallest cat in South America

    The Kodkod, or Guigna is another tiny cute wild cat species. In Santiago, Chile, where they can be found there is a conservation effort using injured and orphaned Kodkods to start a captive breeding program. These cats will eventually be re-released into the wild as they are strong and sound enough. There aren’t many left!…

  • Iriomote Cat – Critically Endangered

    For the letter “I” I would like to introduce you to one of the rarest cats in the world. They live on a tiny Japanese Island which has been overrun with tourism, and the Iriomote cat is one of the attractions. A fatal attraction, unfortunately. It seems that most of the cats that die are…

  • B is for Blackfooted cat

    One of my favorite species of wildcat is the Blackfooted cat. Black-footed cats are described as a naturally rare species. The World Conservation Union Red List shows them as Vulnerable, with a total effective population size of less than 10,000 and declining. They may be locally common in certain localities in South Africa, but being…

  • Happy birthday surprise!

    Looking for the best kind of gift? How about a portrait of you and your favorite furry friend? Since this painting is a birthday surprise, I am not mentioning any names, but the person in the picture once made me a wonderful set of curtains that still hang in my office. One good turn deserves…