Category: travel journal

  • Three Randonneurs

    Last week I attended a bicycle club meeting. It was hard to not notice the chiseled features of these men, each of whom have bicycled literally thousands of miles just in the last year. The discussion was heated, opinions varied, but still they stood in a row while I wished I could sketch them. With…

  • Boise, Idaho – a jaunt to the hot dry side

    I flew to Boise on Saturday to visit some family; and while I was there I had a little time to work in my journal. While sitting with my dear husband in Starbucks, I sketched him writing about the frustration of his niece having cancer — “Life isn’t fair” At the niece’s house, the only…

  • Purple Mountains Majesty – Serendipity

    Happy Fourth of July! Imagine you are on a bicycle riding up to the top of a mountain pass. Imagine that your bike is a tandem, a bicycle built for two. The person riding on the front of the bike is your true love, he’s working VERY hard. It’s not easy pedaling up to the…

  • My sketch book – virtually

    Thousands of sketchbooks (including mine) are being exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the country. After the tour, all sketchbooks will enter into the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library, where they will be cataloged and available for the public to view. The Art House Coop sent…

  • Meeting in Bologna

    Every time I go to Italy I try to find new places to go. In 2008 I went to Bologna with my good buddies Vanda and Rino. We met a friend of theirs there and “did the town”. Now about Bologna. Like most little kids of the 1950’s I ate a lot of Bologna (Baloney)…