Author: admin

  • I’m adopted!

    It was worth a try; I always wanted to paint a bluecream kitten. In reality, these colors are meant to help disguise the animal, a type of protective camouflage. But as an artist, my mission is to take these colors and and make them pretty. To add to the fun, I used an odd kind…

  • He sure can play that guitar

    I was entranced by 1935 photo of a young man playing his guitar. I thought it would be fun to paint him. I tried it once and was very unhappy with how it came out. So I waited until after I attended a wonderful watercolor workshop by Ted Nuttall and tried again. This time, it…

  • Paint my grandpa

    How many times do you reminisce about someone you loved; after they have died? And you don’t even own a nice photo of them. Artists can come to the rescue, using tiny old black and white photos. I got to know this guy after he died. I could see him through the loving eyes of…

  • People write about their different kinds of trips, but “slow travel” was truly what my last trip to Catania was about. This isn’t a trip just anyone can do. There are a few requirements: 1. You need to know the language where you are going. You are going somewhere that English is not a given.…

  • It’s all in a name – and the rest of the story, from Catania One of my favorite stories is about my name, why I’m called Mimi, and what my name really is.My mother was 20 years old when I was born. My father, was a mamma’s boy, and my mother had a difficult relationship…