Twin Hungarian Oaks, Wing Luke School

Twenty five years ago, a group of us wrote out a grant for city funds to buy enough trees to populate a huge open grassy field that surrounded Wing Luke School. We invited neighbors, teachers, boyscouts and students to help plant the trees. We even got a landscape architect to help, and we got some very nice trees from a nearby nursery. None of the trees were very big, they were all just about 1″ in diameter. They grew and grew, and today, this is what they look like. They are majestic, and they are full of singing birds. They shade the grounds and cool the entire neighborhood. They are all scheduled for demolition in 2018. I want to honor them while I still can. These two Hungarian Oaks are on the west side of the school.

2 responses to “Twin Hungarian Oaks, Wing Luke School”

  1. Artist gives 100% of proceeds to charity. What is School Board saying by killing these trees planted over 1/4 century ago by her for them?

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