Once there was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very very good. No wait, that’s not the story.
When I was just newly married, my husband raved about a little niece of his. She was adorable. She was the fourth child, just like him, and had some of the same family dynamic
problems that he had, so he always had a special place in his heart for her.
When my first child was only a baby, and I didn’t even know I was going to have a second, my husband drove to the Oregon coast and brought Laurie back to us for a little vacation. She stayed with us for a week, she was absolutely adorable, helped with chores and played with our little boy. Thus began a long friendship that continues to this day.
The reference photograph for this painting was taken one autumn in the Arboretum.
2 responses to “Laurie Rose”
Dear Mimi, your art has surely taken a new turn as you work in this new way. I’m responding well to the boldness of it. There’s such strength in these painting. As to Laurie Rose, what a blessing the two of you have been in one another’s lives. Peace.
Such an interesting bit of art – I like the “simplicity that expresses” approach.
Thanks for the visit to my place. 🙂