Day 30 – What’s a whippet

My best friend lives in Arkansas where she works her special magic on people and their dogs. Sometimes, the dogs and people have troubles getting along, and according to my friend, the problem is rarely because of the dog, but more because of the humans. Some of the dogs she works with are learning agility, and are a pleasure to work with because both the dog and its human have good attitudes and work hard. This little whippet is one of them.

This is my final painting of the 30 paintings in 30 days series. I want to thank Leslie Saeta for putting this together, and all of my friends who have given me such wonderful support through the whole month.


3 responses to “Day 30 – What’s a whippet”

  1. I would like to know more information about the Whippet,I train with Mari and I think that the photograph is “Blitzen”. What are the sizes of the prints that you offer? and the price. I would like to purchase a print.

    Thank You
    Bill Henderson

  2. Nooooooo, it’s over. But I’m sure there are many adventures ahead! Beautiful whippet painting! Wonderful body shape and I love that shadow. Also, hooray! One day’s break then it’s back to it, at 29 Faces. (Which you totally want to do!) 🙂

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