Category: plein aire

  • Oaxaca Street

    The most exciting plein aire experience I had in Oaxaca was this one. We were left to our own devices on a narrow street without an actual sidewalk. The only thing keeping me from getting taken out by cars was this telephone pole between me and the cars… It ended up being a nice painting…

  • Tom Hoffmann workshop – final day – Abstract

    Our last lesson with Tom Hoffmann in Oaxaca started with him just painting colors. He talked about design, composition, and shapes. It seemed really intimidating, but once I started painting, it was fun. We were in a small forgotten corner of a huge Mercado. He explained that this was a perfect place for all kinds…

  • Tom Hoffmann workshop Mitla and the still

    After a wonderful morning visiting the ruins at Mitla where a church was built right onto the walls of an ancient structure and painting for a while, we headed back to Oaxaca, eating lunch at a great restaurant which was also a mescal manufacturer. Tom got us permission to sit in the warehouse where they…

  • Tom Hoffmann workshop – already Thursday

    Time flies when you’re on vacation. Especially when you are painting all day. There was so much to see, so many beautiful corners of Oaxaca and its surrounding that Tom showed us. Tom Hoffmann leads several workshops every year. I wish I could do more of his workshops! On Thursday morning, we walked to a…

  • Tom Hoffmann workshop, San Agustin

    On the fourth day of our workshop, Tom took us to Etla, a little town in the hills. They were having a mercado, where we snapped lots of pictures. The women in particular were very winsome, most of the older women had two long braids with ribbons braided into their hair and then connecting at…