Author: mimitorchia

  • Red Barn in Thorpe

    One my favorite times of day to ride a bike is right at dawn. Everything takes on a reddish glow, there is hardly any traffic and the air is sweet. The road belongs to the cyclist and the day is filled with possibility. The reference photo for this painting was taken by my talented husband…

  • I remember you – a Child’s nature guide

    For the second year in a row, I have participated in the Brooklyn Art Museum’s sketchbook project. Last year, I simply used my sketchbook as a visual journal, adding a little autobiographical information and sketching what I saw; my cats, my family, places I visited, and then filled up the blank spaces with other things…

  • Waiting for that woman

    He’s waited for what seems like his whole life for her. He just knows if they were together, it would be magic, paradise. They would sing, dance, have beautiful children, they’d own a beautiful car and a big house. But she’s not ready to settle down with him. So he just keeps waiting.

  • The Peacock’s Lair

    Most of what I paint is based solidly in reality. Something I saw, someone I know; but yesterday I was doing an exercise that two different painters have suggested; to just doodle with colors on paper, try to keep it formless but pleasing to the eye. So I did that, and this peacock popped out.…

  • Take a gander at this!

    I work at Boeing, a large factory which turned the Duwamish River corridor into a very industrial environment. There is an exception, one of the last buildings to be constructed also included a park-like area. It is very popular with both the employees and wildlife. I felt like I had entered into a magical glade…