Chillin’ at Folklife


As I sit here today, cringing every time the wind throws more rain on my window, I think back to the warm weekend of the Folklife festival It was such a glorious day, my dear husband and I took many photos because it seemed that everyone had come out to enjoy the music and the sunshine.

I have a weakness for handsome young men, and this guy showed so much verve that I had to make a portrait of him. I took his photo to save for a time that I could sit down and paint him. And here he is, showing his sartorial splendor and his wonderful attitude. This is republished from 2012.

This painting measures 14″ x 20″ and is for sale $350.00. All proceeds go to endangered animal conservation programs. YOU can really help by buying a painting.

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45 responses to “Chillin’ at Folklife”

  1. Quality painting ~ love it! ~namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy PPF

    ps. word verification on my blog should be off ~ please let me know if it isn’t ~ thanks.

  2. It’s great to be able to reminisce with a painting. Yours is lovely. You definitely captured his attitude and the fun of the day! Happy PPF!

  3. What a great painting!! i love that nothing is too detailed… and even in the painting, I can tell he’s handsome. 🙂 That folklife festival sounds like it would be right up my alley. xoxo

  4. this is really gorgeous, i love your watercolour style, you make it look effortless and what a great pose he was in for you to capturefor posterity!

  5. What a wonderful jog, Mimi. I enlarged it so I could really enjoy all the layering of color. Really amazing atmosphere and wonderful attitude of your young “dude”! I think he knows he is a “Babe”!

  6. Sartorial splendor indeed! I usually make up stories about people who look interesting, and this man does look like he leads an interesting life!

  7. Hello!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day. I hesitated to sign the food blog up for the
    A-Z Challenge, but now I’m really glad that I did! Your work is beautiful! The colors are so atmospheric. And the folklife festival looks like it was fun!

    Enjoy the Challenge! I’m looking forward to reading as many posts as I can!

    Nice to meet you,

  8. You are so talented. That young man may grow old and grey, but you have captured his youth and physicality for all time. I scrolled down your site, and will enjoy visiting you. Susan

  9. Wow, you truly captured him. (You are soooo talented.) He is an engaging young man. His expression is life itself. Does he know you painted his portrait? Gosh, what a forever gift your portrait would be from someone in his family.

  10. Oh! I’m in love…again!!! He is a darling thing, Mimi, and YOU! did a marvelous portrait of him. I’ve attended that Folklife Festival (in my ancient past) and fallen in love with the Marimba bands. Thanks for the memories!

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