Category: postal art

  • February was letter writing month

    During the month of February, I pledged to write one letter (or more) every day. There’s a group that uses the acronym INCOWRIMO (and they have a blog too, google it) that helps people find other penpals to play. And of course, I couldn’t just write letters. I had to paint stuff. This is a…

  • Autumn leaves & Shino

    This time I combined my love of pottery with my passion for paint, and switched to postcard size. My favorite glaze is called Shino, it’s a mysterious glaze that was developed for its whiteness, but its reactions with iron make it a really colorful kind of glaze, with all kinds of creams and orange and…

  • True love’s embrace

    So recently, the teenager in me has been reborn, so I decided to paint like one. When I was a teen, I drew a lot of pictures like this one. I had a set of pastels, which I used to express myself. I drew tragic figures, lots of hugging and maybe even kissing.. Think Romeo…

  • The turquoise ocean

    There are many pleasures that come with painting. The pleasure of the colors, the pleasure of the effect of the paper, the pleasure of the results. Daniel Smith Watercolors has actually formulated colors made from semi-precious stones. Most of them are not too impressive to me, but there is one that I really like. I…

  • Crows landing

    Living in the city, we don’t have quite the variety of wildlife that you might find in the woods. The smartest of our prolific birds is the crow. A day without crows here is as rare as a day without cars. Doesn’t happen. This painting is sold!