Are you in the mood?

photography by Les Dozsa (click on his name to see more of his great photos)

How do you get yourself into the mood to paint, or cook, or write, or whatever your craft is?
I’d like to tell you about how my day at the Renton Art and Antique fair went.
I was one of about 70 artists and crafts-persons invited to sit outside of downtown businesses all day last Saturday in Renton, Washington to display my wares. If I was lucky, someone would buy something. (and I was lucky, I sold two original paintings) But honestly I was not in the mood. It’s true. I was bone tired from lack of sleep, and it was cold out. Really, it was, we’ve had a very cold summer. I was wearing a hat and a scarf and a jacket, we were on the shady side of the street. But It is rare for me to find opportunities to “meet the public” so I did my best to play the part of a gracious artist. I had my tables set up next to Seana, one of my artist friends. Seana is wonderful; she engages everyone easily, and not only sells herself and gets commissions, but she also sells me. Effortlessly. And I knew for a fact that Seana didn’t feel so hot either.

I did not feel like painting, but I know that if I always waited for inspiration, I would probably not be at that fair. An artist doesn’t just exist, an artist creates. And the act of creation requires energy and commitment. Right about that time, as I was wrestling with myself, a little boy walked up to me. I am not sure how old he was, but I saw no parents nearby, so I assume he was at least 11 years old.
He looked at my stuff and looked me in the eye and said:
“I am an artist. Can you tell me if you draw an outline before you paint, or do you just apply paint to blank paper?”
I was delighted and astonished. Someone wanted to talk to me about painting! And that someone happened to be a cute little kid. We talked for a while, he wanted to know how long I had been painting; I told him 4 years. His eyes got big, but I added;
“But I have been drawing all my life.”
and his response: “Me too!” I told him good luck and keep drawing. There he was, not yet an adult, but confident, open, engaging. What is an artist? That boy is certainly one. And so am I. I started to paint.

Is there anything that helps you get started? Tell me, I love to hear from you.

4 responses to “Are you in the mood?”

  1. What a thought provoking post. Congrats on the sales.

    Motivation and the right mood are the most difficult things to find for me and I’m still looking for something that will help me find them. Your lovely comments on my blog and your fantastic paintings do make me think I should be drawing rather than “wasting” time online 😀

    Thanks for stopping by Mimi

  2. As a writer, not a painter, I agree with Catherine that you have to make the space/time for it. I set aside at least two hours for my writing, and I always find something I can work on. Of course, if the mood strikes at another time, I go for it! Another thing that gets me motivated is reading books about the craft. It always inspires me to try out something.

  3. Oh, Mimi, you look so cute! You LOOK like an artist too. This is my theory: You cannot wait to be inspired or motivated. It is like exercise in that you just have to do it. You have to plan it, make space for it in your day/calendar, get out the stuff or move into the space you’ve accored yourself for your creative endeavor, and then begin! Now that I’m teaching 12 kids in my ‘studio’ I’ve moved sewing, cardmaking, desktop computer and scrapbooking into the small spare room that I call the “Wreck Room”. I have 3 surfaces for doing the three biggest desires. If I keep the surfaces clean/uncluttered I can begin anytime I’ve space in the day.

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