A portrait of Brian down under

Every year for 4 years I have participated in a portrait swap via Wetcanvas.com’s portrait forum. This year I got a guy in Australia who had never painted a portrait before. I really liked his face. It looked like he lived through a lot, and even though he was smiling, he looked a little sad.

31 responses to “A portrait of Brian down under”

  1. So down to earth and real. He looks to me like someone who has learned a lot from what life has dealt him. You captured that look wonderfully. Love it.

  2. Great portrait and I love the seriousness of his face, so intense yet giving us a smile. You know that saying, “A smile increases your face value.” He’s awesome, great job.

  3. he is, it was really cute. He said “I love the portrait. I never dreamed I would ever have a portrait of myself.”

  4. This is stunning! I love how the shadow falls across him and you’ve completely capture that wistful expression on his face – which is so full of character. Really beautiful – he must be so delighted with it!

  5. oh my goodness…that looks like it could be my dad now…he passed away 20 years ago…too young…i feel emotional over this painting…it’s wonderful…thankyou…xxx

  6. I love the palette: blue and white, with the sunny accents! I don’t know what he looks like, but he does look like a sweet guy whose lived a bit.

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